Monday, February 21, 2011

Rosie O'Donnell's Funded "Children of the World Adoption Agency" Goes Down

Waiting! It’s the hardest part. I’ve shouted for years and this is what has it come to -- waiting? Yet, what is it that I wait for? It is now up to an adopted boy [or young man] to find his biological half sister and me, his biological father. Then again, it may be that he will never feel the need for these introductions. Even if I had opportunity to contact him at a later point in his life, one cannot force this proposed meeting. I say this by reason of my previous efforts to reach his parents. This couple I’m sure have known about me for years. It was through past media that my position in this now proven to be an adoption scandal had been made public almost four years ago. [CNN, a cable news TV network ran an Associated Press story as its ‘Top Story of the Day’ in February of 2006.] 

Of course, it was to be that these New Jersey headlines had come to light before that same public could have become much more informed.

They never knew that the lately, much heralded adoption advocate Rosie O’Donnell had funded and actually worked at this now stripped of license, “Children of the World Adoption Agency.”

This much loved or truly hated Hollywood actress had been of this agency’s employ at the same time as my son’s wrongful adoption? [Proven by CNN Larry King Transcripts]

Yet, it is time that my journey must now cease and desist with its seven year quest to make contact with the adoptive parents. The reason of course is to prevent a now most impressionable boy from stumbling into something that he cannot understand. 

Granted, such adoptive parent contact is a lot to ask for, but then they have taken a lot themselves. I am one hundred percent positive that they had to have known the truth still yet before a “tell all” hand written extortion letter that the birth mother sent them. All of my proved and verified evidence points to my statement as being fact:  This is that letter,

Hope you all have a nice Christmas! How was your cruise? Hope [offspring] are doing good, I think of them quite often. I tried calling you to ask for a recent picture of [offspring], but your phone was disconnected. I assume it’s because you all don’t want me to bother you since you have [offspring] now. It is like when I was pregnant you would have done anything for me, now that you have [offspring] it is like I don’t exist anymore. I have a lot of unpaid medical bills for the nine months I was pregnant that Medicaid didn’t pay. My car engine went out. I couldn’t even afford Christmas for my daughter's birthday. This will be the last time I will ask you for anything or even bother you.
I need $2,000 for my unpaid medical bills and fix my car. So the total that you all will have paid me is $7,000 that’s not much for [offspring] is it?? Do you have any idea what I went through in 9 months, sick every day, had surgery had all kinds of special tests.
I seen the father of the twins the other day, he is in town for Christmas. So if you don’t want to send me the $2000, I will tell him about the boys and I’m sure he will come for his kids. This is not a threat but a promise. I’m only looking out for my daughter, she needs a ride for appts. Which is hard to do without a car. There’s couples I had talked to that was willing to pay me $10,000 for [offspring], but I chose you guys. I feel $7,000 is cheap for [offspring] when you can’t have one yourself. If I don’t receive the 2,000 by Jan 10, 2002, I will contact the father and this is his first born, so I know he’ll fight for his[offspring]. Absolved
Sincerely Cindy.
[This letter’s content proved true by Associated Press birth mother interview. – February, 2006]
Yet, my son was over two years old when I found out about him; never at this age would have I torn a child from his mom and dad. However, maybe taking that cruel fork in the road would've been the only way to know of who he is, of his life, of his wants and dreams. As it is, his parents can still yet relay these things to me; the time is not too late! However, as of today they have not made any attempt. Only by being adjudicated as BF thru a court ruled overturning of the adoption would've forced them to such an agreement of conditions. Contrarily, the only thing they had to do was contact me, for I had previously proclaimed that the “window of time” had expired to raise my son. [After close to ten years my Parkinson’s diagnosis has escalated in its progression.]

Nevertheless, with these things considered it is my own faulty way of thinking that has caused some of my personal grief. But do hear this; there is a onetime four-year-old little girl’s innocence directly involved by these tragic circumstances. Therefore with my last published writings out soon, hopeful I am that her story will meet your eyes and others. Until then…, “Waiting! It’s the hardest part!"

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